End of Support for Microsoft Office 2010: What Alternatives for Businesses?
News - Par Habibou M'baye, le 12 Feb 2025

End of Support for Microsoft Office 2010: What Alternatives for Businesses?

Since October 13, Microsoft has stopped providing technical support, as well as software and security updates for Office 2010. While the applications continue to function, maintenance is now impossible. For businesses, this end of support means increased exposure to security vulnerabilities. However, several alternatives are available to them.

It's official. Announced in October 2019, Microsoft has ended support for Office 2010, urging users to migrate to its Microsoft 365 Apps offering. However, the cloud version of the office suite is not the only possible option.

End of Support for Office 2010: What Consequences for Businesses?

More than eight out of ten companies use Office[1], making Microsoft's office suite the most important on the market. However, many continue to use an obsolete version beyond the end of support date... at their own risk.

Indeed, although they are no longer available for sale, Office suites remain operational, even on Windows 10. Companies holding licenses can therefore continue to install the office suite on their new computers, and users can modify their existing content or create new ones. But beware, as it is now impossible to install bug or security patches. Remote technical support and online help content are also unavailable.

As a result, internal technical teams no longer have resources to assist them in maintaining the solution. Another critical point: users are more exposed to online threats. A significant risk since 92% of French companies have already suffered a cyberattack[2], even before the number of cyberattacks exploded in 2020 due to massive teleworking linked to the health crisis. An increase observed in two-thirds of European countries and reported by Interpol in a report published last August.

Upgrade Your Office Version

That's why companies are well advised to install a software version that still receives vendor support to benefit from the latest patches and optimal security. To this end, several options are available to them, including using a more recent version of Microsoft's collaborative tools:

  • Office 2013, whose "end of life" is scheduled for April 11, 2023. Companies therefore have more than two years to complete their digital transformation and move to the cloud, or anticipate the implementation of new software.
  • Office 2016 will be maintained by Microsoft until October 14, 2025, in just under 5 years. A substantial "lifespan" that can also give companies time to adapt and evolve.
  • Office 2019: also available as a perpetual license, this version only works on Windows 10.

Another option favored by Microsoft: its cloud subscription offering, 365 Apps for Enterprise (formerly Office 365 ProPlus). All the collaborative features associated with the performance and flexibility of the cloud. But this solution mainly implies a high level of digital maturity and significantly higher costs.  

Purchasing Second-Hand Licenses: A More Economical Alternative

Software represents a significant part of IT budgets. Gartner estimated global software spending at $457 billion (about €390 billion) in 2019, an annual increase of +9%[3]. However, the current health crisis is pushing companies to review their spending downwards. In this sense, purchasing second-hand licenses, authorized since 2012 in France, allows savings of up to 80% compared to the price of a standard license.

How does it work? A quarter of business software is underutilized[4]. 93% of organizations admit to wasting money[5]. By legally and securely selling or purchasing these unused software on a marketplace, companies can then benefit from an official license and a fully functional office suite at a lower cost. An economical and professional option to the end of support for Office 2010.

Find your alternative on the secondary market www.softcorner.eu

[1] According to a survey published by Spiceworks, November 2017 – https://www.spiceworks.com/press/releases/spiceworks-study-examines-state-productivity-suites-workplace/

[2] Cybersecurity Barometer, CESIN, 2018 – https://www.cesin.fr/article-le-barometre-de-la-cybersecurite.html

[3] Cybercrime: Impact of COVID-19, INTERPOL, August 2020 – https://www.interpol.int/en/content/download/15526/file/COVID-19%20Cybercrime%20Analysis%20Report-Design_02_EN.pdf

[4] Gartner Study, July 2019 – https://www.gartner.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/2019-10-07-gartner-says-global-it-spending-to-grow-06-in-2019

[5] Interview with Habibou M'Baye, co-founder of SoftCorner, Le Parisien, January 2017 – https://www.leparisien.fr/economie/business/et-si-vous-achetiez-des-logiciels-d-occasion-23-01-2017-6605568.php

[6] According to a report by Flexera Software, November 2016 – https://www.decideo.fr/Le-cout-invisible-des-logiciels-d-entreprise_a8906.html

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